Sunday, May 8, 2011

Evidence that I need to visit Thailand...

I went out to the forest and caught
A hundred thousand fireflies
As they ricochet round the room
They remind me of your starry eyes

Sunday, April 3, 2011

every step is moving us up/this is how we walk on the moon

i now have the courage to sing out loud.

yesterday i played guitar like a bird fluttering wildly in its cage, suffocation inevitable.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Hesperiidae Papilionidae Apatelodidae Epiplemidae Notodontidae Nemeobiidae Eupterotidae Callidulidae Dioptidae Lymantriidae
Noctuidae Endromidae Oxytenidae Lycaenidae Argyresthiidae Ctenuchidae Nepticulidae Hieroxestidae Symmocidae Blastobasidae
Heliozelidae Limacodidae Agonoxenidae Compsoctenidae Neopseustidae Incurvariidae Oecophoridae Stenomidae Thyrididae Heliodinidae Glyphipterigidae Dudgeoneidae